Nortel Networks Mediant TP-1610 SIP User Manual

Page 116

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Mediant 2000 SIP

Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual


Document #: LTRT-72504


6-5: Number Manipulation and Routing Parameters (continues on pages 115 to 121)

ini File Field Name

Web Parameter Name


Valid Range and Description


[Channel Select Mode]

Defines common rule of port allocation for IP to TEL calls.

0 = By phone number - Select the gateway port according to the called number

(refer to the note below).

1 = Cyclic Ascending - Select the next available channel in an ascending cycle

order. Always select the next higher channel number in the Trunk Group. When
the gateway reaches the highest channel number in the Trunk Group, it selects
the lowest channel number in the Trunk Group and then starts ascending again

2 = Ascending - Select the lowest available channel. Always start at the lowest

channel number in the Trunk Group and if that channel is not available, select
the next higher channel.

3 = Cyclic Descending - Select the next available channel in descending cycle

order. Always select the next lower channel number in the Trunk Group. When
the gateway reaches the lowest channel number in the Trunk Group, it selects
the highest channel number in the Trunk Group and then start descending

4 = Descending - Select the highest available channel. Always start at the

highest channel number in the Trunk Group and if that channel is not available,
select the next lower channel.

5 = Number + Cyclic Ascending – First select the gateway port according to the

called number (refer to the note below). If the called number isn’t found, then
select the next available channel in ascending cyclic order. Note that if the
called number is found, but the port associated with this number is busy, the call
is released.


The internal numbers of the gateway’s B-channels are defined by the

‘TrunkGroup_x’ parameter (under ‘Phone Number’).


[Trunk Group Settings]

Defines rules for port allocation for specific Trunk Groups, if such rule doesn’t exist,
the global rule defined by ChannelSelectMode applies.
a, b
a = Trunk Group ID number
b = Channel select mode for that Trunk Group.
Available values are identical to those defined by the ChannelSelectMode parameter.

[Add Trunk Group ID as Prefix]

0 = not used
1 = For Tel IP incoming call, Trunk Group ID is added as prefix to destination phone
number. Applicable only if trunk group ID are configured.
Can be used to define various routing rules.


[Add Trunk ID as Prefix]

0 = Don’t add (default)
1 = Add trunk ID number (single digit in the range 1 to 8) as a prefix to the called
phone number for Tel IP incoming calls.
This option can be used to define various routing rules.

[Replace Empty Destination
with Port Number]

0 = Disabled (default).
1 = Enabled, Internal channel number is used as a destination number if called
number is missing.

Applicable only to Tel IP calls, if called number is missing.


0 = Leave Source Number empty (default).
1 = If the Source Number of an incoming Tel to IP call is empty, the Destination
Number is copied to the Source Number.


0 = Do not change the Calling Number (default).
1 = Add NPI and TON to the Calling Number of incoming (Tel to IP) ISDN call.
For example: After receiving a Calling Number = 555, NPI = 1 and TON = 3, the
modified number is going to be 13555. This number can later be used for
manipulation and routing purposes.


0 = Do not change the Called Number (default).
1 = Add NPI and TON to the Called Number of incoming (Tel to IP) ISDN call.
For example: After receiving a Called Number = 555, NPI=1 and TON = 3, the
modified number is going to be 13555. This number can later be used for
manipulation and routing purposes.