Paradyne 3910 User Manual
Page 84

COMSPHERE 3900 Series Modems
September 1998
Table 5-2
(3 of 5)
DTE Dialer Configuration Options
CarriageRtn Char: 013 ASCI
013 ASCI
This configuration option only appears if DTE Dialer Type is configured for AT.
Carriage Return Character. Allows you to change the ASCII character used to terminate an AT command to
any ASCII value from 0 to 127.
The AT command is S-Register S3=
n, where n is a value from 0 to 127.
Backspace Char: 008 ASCI
008 ASCI
This configuration option only appears if DTE Dialer Type is configured for AT.
Backspace Character. Sets the character used to perform a backspace in Command mode.
The AT command is S-Register S5=
n, where n is a value from 0 to 127.
Linefeed Char: 010 ASCI
010 ASCI
This configuration option only appears if DTE Dialer Type is configured for AT.
Line Feed Character. Sets the character used to perform a line feed in Command mode for responses from
the modem.
The AT command is S-Register S4=
n, where n is a value from 0 to 127.
Result Codes: Enable
Nxt Enable Disable EnableInOrig
This configuration option only appears if DTE Dialer Type is configured for AT.
Result Codes. Result codes are informational messages (such as Connect and Ring) sent from the modem
and displayed on the asynchronous DTE terminal. (For a list of Result Codes, refer to Table 14-1 in
Chapter 14,
AT Commands and S-Registers.)
Modem sends result codes to the DTE.
Modem does not send result codes to the DTE.
Enable in Originate
For UNIX applications, enable result codes only on the originating modem. This prevents the DTE
on the answer side from interpreting result codes as login attempts.
The AT command for Enable is Q0.
The AT command for Disable is Q1.
The AT command for Enable in Originate mode is Q2.