Table 6-7 – Sun Microsystems Sun Fire V490 User Manual

Page 130

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Sun Fire V490 Server Administration Guide • August 2004

Monitoring the System Using Remote System
Control Software

Sun Remote System Controller (RSC) software, working in conjunction with the
system controller (SC) card, enables you to monitor and control your server over a
serial port or a network. RSC software provides both graphical and command-line
interfaces for remotely administering geographically distributed or physically
inaccessible machines.

You can also redirect the server’s system console to the system controller, which lets
you remotely run diagnostics (like POST) that would otherwise require physical
proximity to the machine’s serial port.

The system controller card runs independently, and uses standby power from the
server. Therefore, the SC and its RSC software continue to be effective when the
server operating system goes offline.

RSC software lets you monitor the following on the Sun Fire V490 server.

Before you can start using RSC software, you must install and configure it on the
server and client systems. Instructions for doing this are given in the Sun Remote
System Controller (RSC) User’s Guide
, which is included on the Sun Fire V490
Documentation CD.

You also have to make any needed physical connections and set OpenBoot
configuration variables that redirect the console output to the system controller. The
latter task is described in “How to Redirect the System Console to the System
Controller” on page 159.



RSC Software Monitors

Item Monitored

What RSC Software Reveals

Disk drives

Whether each slot has a drive present, and whether it reports
OK status

Fan trays

Fan speed and whether the fan trays report OK status

CPU/Memory boards

The presence of a CPU/Memory board, the temperature
measured at each processor, and any thermal warning or failure

Power supplies

Whether each bay has a power supply present, and whether it
reports OK status

System temperature

System ambient temperature as measured at several locations in
the system, as well as any thermal warning or failure conditions

Server front panel

System control switch position and status of LEDs