Authentication, Authentication -16, System configuration 6-16 authentication – SMC Networks ElliteConnect 2.4GHz/5GHz User Manual
Page 92
System Configuration
Wireless clients can be authenticated for network access by
checking their MAC address against the local database
configured on the access point, or by using a database
configured on a central RADIUS server. Alternatively,
authentication can be implemented using the IEEE 802.1X
network access control protocol.
The access point can also operate in a 802.1X supplicant mode.
This enables the access point itself and any bridge-connected
units to be authenticated with a RADIUS server using a
configured MD5 user name and password. This mechanism can
prevent rogue access points from gaining access to the network.
AP(config)#interface ethernet
Enter Ethernet configuration commands, one per line.
AP(if-ethernet)#ip pppoe
AP(if-ethernet)#pppoe username mike
AP(if-ethernet)#pppoe password 12345
AP(if-ethernet)#pppoe service-name classA
AP(if-ethernet)#pppoe ip allocation mode static
AP(if-ethernet)#pppoe local ip
AP(if-ethernet)#pppoe remote ip
AP(if-ethernet)#pppoe ipcp dns
AP(if-ethernet)#pppoe lcp echo-interval 30
AP(if-ethernet)#pppoe lcp echo-failure 5
AP(if-ethernet)#pppoe restart
AP#show pppoe
PPPoE Information
State : Link up
Username : mike
Service Name : classA
IP Allocation Mode : Static
DNS Negotiation : Enabled
Local IP :
Echo Interval : 30
Echo Failure : 5