SMC Networks SMC7003-USB User Manual
Ez connect, Adsl usb modem

Model Number:
EZ Connect
This USB-enabled plug-and-play ADSL modem is
intended for home and small business users who want a
simple, affordable ADSL device. It supports PPPoE and
PPPoATM, and comes with driver support for Windows
9 8 / Me / N T / 2 0 0 0 . The modem provides high-spe e d
Internet access over existing telephone lines, features an
always-on digital connection, and provides wide equip-
ment interoperability and system compatibility.
Designed to ensure a high-performance Internet con-
nection for the SOHO environment, this new modem
connects to the Web at speeds equal to those available
in your office. Its always-on digital connection saves
time by eliminating dial-up delays. The modem is inter-
operable with systems from major central office equip-
ment makers and provides compatibility with various ISP
services (static or dynamic.)
It also supports both full-rate DMT connection (with 8
Mbps downstream and 640 Kbps upstream), and the
m o re eco n o m i cal G.lite co n n e ction (with 1.5 Mbps
downstream and 512 Kbps upstream.)
The new SMC ADSL modem allows SOHO users to
employ a wide range of network applications. It is com-
patible with various ISP services, using static or dynamic
a s s i g n m e nt.
Mu l t i p ro tocol enca p s u l ation of TC P / I P,
Novell’s IPX,and Windows NetBEUI provides total access
to the Internet and all your corporate resources (i.e. print-
ers, file servers, and multimedia services.)
• Full-rate transmission at up to
8 Mbps downstream,640 Kbps
• G.lite transmission at up to 1.5
Mbps downstream,512 Kbps
• USB Bus Powered - No need
for additional power adapter
• Always-on digital connection
• Full-rate adaptive modem at
32 Kbps steps
• Interoperable with Alcatel’s
• Loop up to 18,000 feet (3.5 miles.)
• Plug-and-play connection
• Supports PPP o ver ATM
• MultiProtocol over ATM
• Windows 98/2000 compliant
• Full ADSL standard support
Basic ADSL
Full-Rate ADSL
ANSI T1.413 Issue 2
G.dmt (ITU G.992.1)
G.lite ( G.992.2)
G.hs (G.994.1)
6 H u g h e s
Irv i n e, CA 92618
w w w. s m c. co m