SMC Networks SMC10GPCIe-10BT User Manual
Smc10gpcie-10bt, Network adapters, Overview

Tiger Card™ 10G PCIe 10GbE 10GBASE-T Server Adapter
The SMC Tiger Card™ 10G (SMC10GPCIe-10BT) is a 10 gigabit
Ethernet server adapter that runs on a high speed PCIe x8 host bus
interface. It is the industry’s fi rst 10GBASE-T server adapter that
combines the speed and performance of the latest technology with
the simple integration of traditional Ethernet over copper.
The growth and expansion of networking environments that
contain highly complex applications that create and transfer
huge fi les, such as high performance computing (HPC), database
clusters, and video on demand will require higher bandwidth on
the network. The extremely low latency and high throughput of
the SMC Tiger Card™ 10G server adapter family makes it the best
solution for these applications.
In today’s challenging data center environment, thermal manage-
ment is a hot topic. With the industry’s lowest power consumption,
the SMC10GPCIe-10BT delivers compelling performance, resulting
in a fl exible server adapter, system and ultimately data center
design. The advanced architecture supports the demand for Virtu-
alization enabling servers to work at their most optimal levels. The
SMC10GPCIe-10BT is a half-height card with brackets for half- or
full- height, which offers fl exibility for server installation.
10GBASE-T reduces the cost of deployment and maintnance by
leveraging the advantages of UTP, used in thousands of data
centers world-wide. With SMC’s exceptional 10GBASE-T technology,
enterprises can now cost effectively deploy 10G Ethernet and
extract maximum value from their infrastructure. The SMC10GPCIe-10BT
is the true cost effective solution of enterprise computing.
The SMC Tiger Card™ 10G Server Adapter family delivers the
balance of performance, power and price. This balance is driving
the widespread adoption of 10-gigabit Ethernet throughout data
centers and enterprise networks world-wide.
Virtual NIC support
The core of SMC’s technology. Protected VNIC interfaces can be instantiated for each run-
ning guest operating system or application, giving it a direct pipeline to the Ethernet network.
This architecture provides the most effi cient way to maximize network and CPU effi ciency.
The SMC Ethernet controller supports up to 4096 VNIC interfaces.
IP/UDP/TCP checksum offl oad
Calculation and validation for the checksums found in IP, TCP and UDP headers. This feature
saves a signifi cant amount of valuable CPU cycles.
Stateless Offl oads
TCP Segmentation Offl oad (TSO) for IPv4.
Provides binary compatibility with all data center and HPC applications.
Jumbo frame support (9K)
Smaller per packet overhead, increased network utilization.
MSI support enables higher levels of performance on both legacy and up-to-date systems.
Remote boot
Support for etherboot, PXE boot, and Linux® BIOS provides fl exibility in cluster design and
diskless servers. A small programmable on-board ROM contains the boot code which provides
this functionality.
IP fl ow fi ltering
Enables the hardware to steer packets based on IP, TCP and UDP header contents.
Transmit rate pacing (per queue)
Provides a mechanism for enforcing bandwidth quotas across all guest operating systems.
Software re-programmable on-the-fl y to allow for adjustment as congestion increases on the
PCI Express 1.1 x8 Host Bus Interface
Provide maximum host bus bandwidth.