An93 – Silicon Laboratories SI2493/57/34/15/04 User Manual
Page 267

Rev. 1.3
cpInBuffRd = WaitForResponse(cpResponse, cpInBuffRd, iTimeoutMs);
return cpInBuffRd;
// Check for a specific response in the input buffer, and return ptr to what
// follows. If this times out or ERRORs before the response is found then a
// NULL is returned; It keeps reading the ser channel while waiting
char *WaitForResponse(char *cpResponse, char *cpInputBuffer, int iTimeOutInMs)
unsigned long ulNoOfbytes;
clock_t sStartTime = clock();
clock_t sCurrentTime;
// covert wait time in ms's to clock_t by mutiplying by CLOCKS_PER_SEC/1000
clock_t sWaitTime = (clock_t)(iTimeOutInMs*CLOCKS_PER_SEC)/1000;
int iPasses = 0;
int iCharCnt =0; // set to 0
char cTemp = *cpInputWr;
*cpInputWr = 0;
char *cpFound = strstr(cpInputBuffer, cpResponse);
*cpInputWr = cTemp;
{//copy the received bytes for late display
strncpy(cpInput_test, cpInputBuffer, iCharCnt);cpInput_test[iCharCnt]='\0';
return cpFound + strlen(cpResponse);
// Setup a 50 ms timeout for reads
sCOMMTIMEOUTS.ReadIntervalTimeout = 0;
sCOMMTIMEOUTS.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
sCOMMTIMEOUTS.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 50;
sCOMMTIMEOUTS.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
sCOMMTIMEOUTS.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
SetCommTimeouts(hCom, &sCOMMTIMEOUTS);
// Read the serial port
//cpInputWr has char from the port
BOOL bError = !ReadFile(hCom, cpInputWr, 1, &ulNoOfbytes, 0);
iCharCount += ulNoOfbytes; iCharCnt+=ulNoOfbytes;
strcat(cpErrorString, "Read Error\r\n");
exit(10); // implement a write to file before exit(0)
cpInputWr += ulNoOfbytes;
// check for a timeout