Edit existing music files, Delete a play list, Setting music on hold – IPitomy IP1000 User Guide User Manual

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background image

5. Click

Save Changes.

6. Select

Browse and locate the music file to be uploaded.

7. Open the file using the operating system. The file will appear in the

Load This Music File Window.

8. Click


Upload File. The file will appear under the play list of which it

was uploaded too.

Edit Existing Music Files

1. Click

PBX Setup and Music on Hold. The Music on Hold page will


2. Select a music file from the Music on Hold Main page.

3. Select a play list by clicking on the play list Name or


4. Change the Name, Random Setting, Load a New File, or Delete the

existing files.

5. Click

Save Changes.

6. Click

Apply Changes.

Delete a Play list

1. Click

PBX Setup and Music on Hold. The Music on Hold page will


2. Select a Music on Hold play list.

3. Click Delete. The play list will be deleted from the list.

* Note if the individual music files aren’t deleted from inside the play list, the music files
will be generated inside the next play list created.

Setting Music on Hold

1. Click

PBX Setup and Music on Hold. The Music on Hold page will


2. Select your default Music on Hold play list from the dropdown menu.

3. Click

Set System Default.

4. Click

Apply Changes.


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