HP A.06.11 User Manual

Page 256

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There are several scenarios, depending on the backup option Keep archive logs
and the recovery option Use existing archive logs, in which a gap of
transactions between the sequence of redo logs on the SAP DB/MaxDB Server and the
restored volumes can occur. When performing recovery (when the database is switched
to the Online mode), SAP DB/MaxDB always checks whether such a gap exists,
regardless of the point in time selected for recovery. If such a gap exists, the recovery is
not performed and the database remains in the Admin mode, unless the existing redo
logs are manually deleted before starting the restore.

If a full or diff backup session is restored, only the data (no archive logs) from the
selected backup session is restored. The data on the SAP DB/MaxDB Server is

If a trans backup session is restored, only the archive logs (no data) from the selected
backup session are restored.

During the restore, the redo logs that existed on the SAP DB/MaxDB Server before
the restore are not deleted during the restore.

When restoring, the existing redo logs on the SAP DB/MaxDB Server can be,
depending on the Data Protector Use existing archive logs option selection
(it can be selected only if the Recovery option is selected), handled as follows:

If the Use existing archive logs option is selected, the existing archive
logs on the SAP DB/MaxDB Server are applied to the redo logs.
When a transactional backup session is selected for restore, or when it is a part
of the needed restore chain, and the Use existing archive logs option
is selected at the same time, the archive logs from Data Protector media are
applied to redo logs. Thereafter, the archive logs on the SAP DB/MaxDB Server
are applied to redo logs.

If the Use existing archive logs option is not selected, the backed up
archive logs on backup media are applied to the redo logs (if trans backup session
is restored), or the redo logs are left intact together with the existing archive logs
on the SAP DB/MaxDB Server (if full or diff backup session is restored).

Integrating SAP DB/MaxDB and Data Protector