HP A.06.11 User Manual

Page 210

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Perform a filesystem backup of the SAP Database Server.

Perform a filesystem backup of the SAP Database Server system so that you can
eliminate any potential communication problems between the SAP Database
Server and the Data Protector Cell Manager system.

Do not start troubleshooting an online database backup unless you have
successfully completed a filesystem backup of the SAP Database Server system.

See the online Help index “standard backup procedure” for details about how
to do a filesystem backup.


If the SAP backup utilities are installed in a shared directory, then the inet startup
parameter must be specified as described in

Step 4

on page 211, or the Windows

permissions must be set correctly.

Run the following command (if you use the default directory):

dir \\client_name\sapmnt\ORACLE_SID\SYS\exe\run\brbackup


dir \\client_name\SAPEXE\brbackup

If this fails, set the inet startup parameters, or set the correct permissions to
access a Windows network directory.

Integrating SAP R/3 and Data Protector