3 password creation – HP Sentry User Manual
Page 97
SENTRY User’s Guide
Section 4 - 7
Fitzgerald & Long
This program provides a convenient utility to assist you in creating new passwords for a number of users.
You may select users to be changed based upon IDs, department, project, group, and user name. Through
this utility you may change all passwords on a regular basis if needed. To invoke this program enter 4,
Utilities Menu, from the SENTRY Main Menu; then, select 3, Password Creation.
Password Generation
1. Password Length: 6
2. user IDs:
3. Updated Prior To:
4. Department:
5. Group Names:
6. User Names:
Enter field number, "OK" to begin the password creation process or
Figure 44 - This is the Password Generation data entry screen.
You may select a list of users for whom you wish to change passwords by any of the six criteria displayed.
User IDs, department, groups, and user names may be used. Separate multiple names with spaces. There
is no validation for existence of your selection criteria.
1. Password Length - The generated passwords will be no less than the minimum number of characters
specified in the System Profile and at least four characters. If the number specified here is larger than that
in the system profile, it will be used instead. Each generated password will begin with a consonant and
alternate with a vowel, consonant, vowel pattern to fill the required length. This technique produces
pronounceable words which aids in remembering them. User should be reminded NOT to write down their
passwords. Therefore, it is important that the password to easy to remember.
This program will conform to the ALPHA or ALPHANUM mask set in the System Profile as well as the
case set for generated passwords.
2. user IDs - Enter a list of user IDs separated by spaces for which you would like to generate new
passwords. The new passwords are written into the SENTRY.USERS file in an encrypted format. The
System Administrator may access these passwords through the Sentry Users Maintenance screen.
3. Updated Prior To -
Sentry writes a time/date stamp to the database when the password is
modified. You may select users for password change by this date field. Enter the date in the format