Data entry conventions – HP Sentry User Manual

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Introduction - 4

SENTRY User’s Guide

Fitzgerald & Long

Data Entry Conventions


When awaiting data, the cursor is positioned at the beginning of the field.
The field is delineated by underscores. A sentence describing the field is
displayed at the bottom of the screen. No data appearing on the
underscore is an indication that the field in the database is currently null.

Field numbers

Each data entry screen and menu uses sequential numbers which appear at
the left of the field descriptions. To address a particular field, enter the
number associated with that field.

Change a field

Having addressed the desired field via the field number, an underscore will
appear to the right of the current data and the cursor will be positioned on
the leftmost character of the data field. Type over the existing data to
change it. DO NOT space over existing data to delete characters which
your new entry does not cover. Simply when you have
entered the new data. The field will be repainted to display your entry.

Deleting a field

When you wish to delete the data in a field and make the field null,
address the field using the appropriate line number, then enter a space
followed by . A blank (null) field will be displayed.