HP Sentry User Manual
Page 55

SENTRY User’s Guide
Section 2 - 25
Fitzgerald & Long
One of the most valuable functions of this program is the ability to find files and directories without
knowing the full path or the full name in some cases. To use the cross reference enter “@”. You will be
Enter name for cross reference:
In our following example, we used “peggy” as input. Note that all of the files and directories contain the
word “peggy” in the pathname.
FILE.MANAGER General File Utility 14:49:04 14 AUG 2000
Cross Reference for "peggy"
(3 found.)
--> /users/pc_archive/peggy
Figure 28 - This is an example of the cross reference list SENTRY provides through the General File
Utility screen. To invoke the cross reference function, enter “@”. From the cross reference display, you
may choose many of the standard commands. For example, to go to the directory containing one of the
displayed files, position to that line and enter “I” (implode). To view the contents of a displayed
directory, use “EXP” (explode).
If your system uses ACLs, please turn to the “ACLs Maintenance” topic on page 2-26. To change the
permissions, owner or group of a file or directory, first position the cursor to the object you wish to
change, then enter “F”ile Detail. The “Detailed File View” screen will be displayed.
NOTE: If your UNIX system does not support ACLs or if you have chosen not to use ACLs, your copy of
SENTRY will display the screen called “Detailed File View”. An example is shown on the following page.