1 system profile maintenance – HP Sentry User Manual

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Section 2 - 4

SENTRY User’s Guide

Fitzgerald & Long


This data entry program is used to display and change the system profile parameters. A number of these
parameters are system specific and must be set to reflect YOUR system’s limits. These parameters include
maximums and minimums for password length, user ID length, and group name length. During
installation, these parameters should be set appropriately for the limitations of your version of UNIX.
Generally, UNIX provides an “include” file called limits.h in which most of these maximums and
minimums are defined.

SYSTEM.MAINT System Profile Maintenance 08/16/00

1. Null Passwords Allowed

: N

2. Minimum Password Length

: 6

3. Maximum Password Length

: 8

4. Enable Custom User Attributes

: Y

5. Password Format Mask



passwd File Order

: Y


group File Order

: Y

8. User & Group Case

: LC

9. Minimum User ID Length

: 6

10. Maximum User ID Length

: 8

11. Maximum Group Name Length

: 8

12. Maximum UID Number

: 1000

13. Maximum GID Number

: 1000

14. Default Startup Command

: /bin/sh

15. Maximum Command Length

: 44


. Maximum Startup Path Length

: 50

17. wtmp Valid Days Old

: 30

18. Punct for File Indexing

: .-_

Enter field number to modify, "C"ustom, "F"ile record or "" to exit :

Figure 12 - This is an example of the SENTRY Profile Maintenance Data Entry Screen. The displayed
data are considered to be standard settings for most versions of UNIX.

On first entering this screen you will note that this set of “default” values will be displayed. Review the list
and change any parameter which is not appropriate for your version or UNIX or your environment. In the
following paragraphs we will describe each parameter and suggest a value.

To execute this program, select 2. Database Maintenance Menu from the Main Menu. Next, select 1.
System Profile from the secondary Maintenance Menu.

When this program is executed, the profile data will be read from the SENTRY database and displayed in
the appropriate fields. There are 18 items defined on this screen. A detailed description of the data entry
screen and prompts follows.