HP Sentry User Manual

Page 38

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Section 2 - 8

SENTRY User’s Guide

Fitzgerald & Long

Note that the indexing occurs at the time that the “Create Database from File System” program is
run from the Database Creation and Validation Menu. If the punctuation characters used are changed, the
program must be rerun to put the new indexing into effect.
Enter field number to modify, “C”ustom, “F”ile record or “ to exit: - This is the primary
modifications prompt for this screen. To address any field simply type the associated number, 1 to 18,
followed by . That field will be cleared of any data which may currently be displayed there
and the program will await your input. To delete a field, enter a space followed by a . If the
screen is awaiting input at a prompt and you wish to backup to a previous prompt, enter “^” and
until you are positioned at the field you wish to modify. You may type “HELP” at any input
prompt. A HELP screen will be displayed. To exit HELP, simply enter .

To access the Custom User Default Maintenance screen, enter “C. A new data entry screen
will be displayed where you may set the parameters which are used as the default in the User Maintenance
program. In the User Maintenance program you will be able to access these same parameter and change
them on a per user basis. To save time and provide consistency in setting parameters for users, we
recommend you set the defaults to those most commonly used.

If you have made changes to the data in this screen remember to enter “F” to file or your changes will be
discarded. To leave this screen without filing any changes enter followed by .

Custom User Default Maintenance – SUN

The SUN operating system offers five options for managing passwords. Our “Custom User Default”
program allows you to set these parameters if desired. These defaults are used when you create users in the
User Maintenance program. By setting up defaults you may save time during the data entry necessary to
create a new user plus you will be aided in creating consistency in the password management for all users if
you desire.

CUSTOM.USER Custom User Default Maintenance 08/16/00


1: Minimum password change (days)

: 5

2: Maximum password change (days)

: 90

3: Password change warning (days)

: 5

4: Maximum inactive time (days)

: 21

5: Expiration date (MM/DD/YY)


Enter field number, "F"ile or "" to exit :

Figure 13 - This is an example of the ”Custom User Default Maintenance” data entry screen.

To execute this program, enter “1” System Profile Maintenance from the Main Sentry menu, after recalling
an exiting user or entering a new user you may enter “C” at the bottom prompt. Entering “C” invokes this
program. The following paragraphs describe the five available options.