HP Sentry User Manual
Page 67
SENTRY User’s Guide
Section 2 - 37
Fitzgerald & Long
Enter Field Number, "F"ile, "DEL"ete or
for this data entry screen. If you wish to change any of the information, enter the number associated with
the entry field, 1 through 7. The cursor will move to the selected input field and allow you to modify the
current information. Because Groups, Group Rights, Users, and User Rights are multi-valued fields, you
will be asked which line number you wish to change or "A" to add a new user or group.
When deleting protection from an item, enter "DEL". You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete
the entry. A response of "YES" will cause the protection on a VOC item to be removed and the item to be
restored in the VOC in its standard form.
To save changes you have made, enter "F" to file. You will then be asked if you wish to update the disk.
Answering "Y"es will cause the changes to become effective. After filing or deleting, the screen will be
repainted and you will be prompted for another VOC item. If you wish to make changes in another account
a second
cause SENTRY to return to the Database Maintenance Menu.
Enter Line # of Groups (or Users) (1-N), "A"dd, "F"orward or "B"ack Page: - When using the
Groups or Users windows, you will see the prompt “Enter line # of Group (or User) (1-n) or (A)dd”.
If there are more than five entries in a window, "(F)orward page or (B)ack" page will be appended to this
prompt. These commands scroll the window to the next set of four entries or to the previous set.
You may exit this program and cancel all changes not filed by pressing the