3 group maintenance – HP Sentry User Manual

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Section 2 - 18

SENTRY User’s Guide

Fitzgerald & Long


Through this data entry program you may add and delete groups from the system, add a descriptive text
field to document a group and assign the group’s GID.

GROUP.MAINT Group Maintenance 08/07/00

Group : adm

1. Description

: HP system group

2. GID

: 4

Enter field number, "F"ile, "DIS"play users, "DEL"ete or "" to exit :

Figure 20 - This is an example of the “Group Maintenance” data entry screen. This program is invoked
via Selection 3 of the “Database Maintenance Menu”.

This screen is predominately used for display purposes. It provides an easy way to view the list of users
who are assigned to a particular group plus the screen defines whether the group is a GID for a user or a
supplementary group.

To execute this program, select 2. Database Maintenance Menu from the SENTRY main menu then select
3. Group Maintenance from the Database Maintenance Menu. This program will be invoked.

A detailed description of the Group Maintenance screen (Figure 21) and prompts follow. Examples of the
“Users using group” screen and the FILE GROUP CONFLICT screens are also included in this chapter.

When first invoked, no data will be displayed in this screen. You will be prompted to enter the name of a
group. For a listing of all groups defined for the system enter “@”. You may also search for a group by
using any word from the Group Description field. For example, if you recall that a group description uses
the word “ACCOUNTING”, you may access the group name by entering “@ACCOUNTING” in the first
prompt of this screen. If more than one group is found using this description, a list of group names will be
presented from which you may choose the appropriate one.

To create a new group simply enter the name of the new group. You will be prompted for a description and
GID for the new group.

1. Description - Enter a word or phrase which documents the purpose or nature of this group. This is a
text field which is used for reporting, documentation and as a cross reference for the group name.