HP Sentry User Manual
Page 65

SENTRY User’s Guide
Section 2 - 35
Fitzgerald & Long
To execute this program, select 2. Database Maintenance Menu from SENTRY's Main Menu; then,
select 5. Database Commands from the Database Maintenance Menu. The Command
Maintenance program will be invoked.
A detailed description of the data entry screen (Figure 33) and prompts follows.
On first entering this program, no data will be displayed on the screen. You will be prompted to enter the
name of a database account then the name of the VOC item you wish to protect.
Account Name - Enter the full pathname for the account containing the VOC item you wish to protect.
SENTRY will search for the account. If it is not found on the disk, you will be prompted to re-enter the
account name. This field is NOT cross referenced.
VOC Command - Having entered the account name, SENTRY will then prompt for the VOC item name.
Enter "@" to retrieve a list of currently protected items. If the VOC item is not found, SENTRY will
respond with an error message and you will be prompted to reenter the VOC name.
To the far right of this field is a display only field used to report the VOC item type. The valid types are
Verbs, Menus, Sentences, PROCs, and Paragraphs. This field may not be deleted or changed through this
program. It is read from the first field of the VOC item.
To protect a VOC item, enter the name of the item. You will then be prompted for a description.
1. Description - This is a text field used for reporting and documentation. You are encouraged to use a
descriptive phrase appropriate for the item.
You may also use the SENTRY "-LIKE" function at this prompt. To protect a VOC item with the same
protection as another protected item, enter "-LIKE VOC.item.name". For example, let's assume you have
protected "CNAME" the way you plan to protect "DELETE". This is quickly done by entering "-LIKE
CNAME" at this prompt. This feature is restricted to copying protection rights from item to item within
the same account.
2. Subroutine - The name of SENTRY's standard subroutine appears here. This program provides the
security screening for your VOC commands. Should you need functionality which is not performed by this
subroutine, custom programs may be easily substituted here.
Custom subroutines must conform to the use of the fourth field of the remote VOC items as documented for
your database (uniVerse, PI/open or UniData).
3. Other Rights - This field is used to define rights for all users who are not included in the specific
users and groups you specify for this protection item. The possible choices are:
- Use at database prompt only