1 system profile report – HP Sentry User Manual

Page 76

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Section 3 - 4

SENTRY User’s Guide

Fitzgerald & Long


Selection one, System Profile, generates a report detailing the contents of SENTRY’s system limits
record. These parameters are used by SENTRY to enforce password, user ID and group name lengths in
keeping with the limitations of your version of UNIX and standards set by the System Administrator for
your site.

SENTRY.SYSTEM.LIMITS.REPORT SENTRY System Profile as of 13:39:22 08-16-00

Null Passwords Allowed............. No

Minimum Password Length........ 6

Maximum Password Length ....... 8

Enable Password Aging ............. Yes

Default Password Life................. 12,2 weeks

Password Format Mask .............. ALPHA,LC

Alpha Order passwd file ............. Yes

Alpha Order group file ................ Yes

Case for Users & Groups............ LC

Minimum user ID Length ............ 6

Maximum ID Length .................... 8

Maximum Group Length ............. 8

Maximum Number for UID .......... 1000

Maximum Number for GID .......... 1000

Default Startup Command .......... /bin/sh

Maximum Command Length ...... 44

Maximum Path Length ................ 50

wtmp Valid days old ................... 30 days old

Punct for File Indexing ............... .-_

One record listed.

Figure 36 - This is an example of the System Profile Report which displays various UNIX and SENTRY
configuration parameters.

The following paragraphs describe each field on this report.

Null Passwords Allowed - The default for this field is “N”. When set to “N”o, each user must have a
password. If this field is set to “Y”es, a user’s password may be blank, so that the user may login without
using a password and simply at the password prompt. For good security, passwords should
be mandatory. This field controls the data entry program for creating new users. When creating a new
user through the SENTRY data entry programs you will be REQUIRED to enter a password for the user
or allow SENTRY to generate one for you if this field is set to “N”. This is not a UNIX parameter. It is
used only by SENTRY. This field accepts the values “Y” or “N”.