HP Sentry User Manual

Page 28

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Section 1 - 10

SENTRY User’s Guide

Fitzgerald & Long

5. “Group (GID) XXXXX on /ZZZZZ does not exist.” - The group number “XXXXX” is the
registered group for a disk object whose path is “/ZZZZZ”. However, the group does not exist in
SENTRY. Possibly, the group once existed but has been deleted. The group for this disk object should be
replaced with a valid group on the system. Alternatively, a new or existing group could be assigned the
same group number (GID).

6. “Command /VVVVV does not have any groups or users assigned.” - The database
command whose path is “/VVVVV” has only “other” access rights assigned. No users or groups are
referenced in the command’s protection. This may be because only “other” access rights are needed;
everyone may have the same rights to the command. However, you should review the command protection
to be sure it is what you intend.

7. . “User (UID) XXXXX on command /VVVVV does not exist.” - The user ID number
“XXXXX” is referenced in the protection for a database command whose path is “/VVVVV”. However,
there is no user who is assigned this user ID number. Possibly, there once was a user but he has been
deleted. The user in this command’s protection should be replaced with a valid user on the system.
Alternatively, a new or existing user could be assigned the same user ID number (UID).

8. “Group (GID) XXXXX on command /VVVVV does not exist.” - The group number “XXXXX”
is referenced in the protection for a database command whose path is “/ZZZZZ”. However, the group does
not exist in SENTRY. Possibly, the group once existed but has been deleted. The group in this
command’s protection should be replaced with a valid group on the system. Alternatively, a new or
existing group could be assigned the same group number (GID).

As the validation program progresses four messages will appear. These are:

Validating user profiles

Validating groups

Validating file owners & groups

Validating COMMANDs

When these four sections of the validation program are completed SENTRY will display “Problems
found during validation, See Validation Report for Details.
” The message “Database Invalid
will appear at the bottom of the screen if FATAL errors are encountered. If only WARNINGS are found
the message displayed is “Questionable data found during validation.