HTC DROID Incredible User Manual
Page 304

0 Index
Connecting your phone to a
computer 44
Copying files to and from the storage
card 46
Creating a calendar event 160
Creating a playlist 240
Cropping a photo 231
Customizing and saving a scene 51
Data connection 186
Date and time 178
Deleting a scene 52
Deleting contacts 83
Desk Clock 175
Downloading HTC widgets 54
Editing a contact’s information 82
Email 139
- adding a POP/IMAP account 10
- deleting 1, 1
- sending 1, 1
Ending a call 69
Event reminders 167
Exchange ActiveSync 113
Extended Home screen 38
Facebook for Android 124
Facebook for HTC Sense 123
Factory reset 299
Finger gestures 32
Flash (camera) 217, 219
Flashlight 274
Flickr 235
FM Radio 268
Folders 56
Footprints 256
Friend Stream 130
- Friend Stream widget 11
Gallery application 225
Gmail/Google Mail 139
Google Accounts 112
Google Maps 244
Google Search 47
GPS satellites 244
Hard reset 299
Home city 177
Home page 193
Home screen 38
Home screen wallpaper 52
HTC Clock widget 173
HTC Sync 115