Displaying ospf traps enabled -121, Debugging osfp routing messages -121, Next-hop routes -121 – HP 3500YL User Manual

Page 295: Displaying ospf traps enabled -122, Debugging osfp routing messages -122, Next-hop routes -122

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IP Routing Features

Configuring OSPF

Displaying OSPF Traps Enabled

In the default configuration, OSPF traps are disabled. Use this command to
view which OSPF traps have been enabled.

Syntax: show ip ospf traps

Lists the OSPF traps currently enabled on the routing switch.

For more information on OSPF trap use, refer to “10: Optional: Change OSPF
Trap Generation Choices” on page 5-80

Debugging OSFP Routing Messages


debug ip ospf command turns on the tracing of OSPF packets.

Syntax: debug ip ospf

Displays OSPF routing messages.

OSPF Equal-Cost Multipath (ECMP) for Different
Subnets Available Through the Same
Next-Hop Routes

The switches covered by this guide support optional load-sharing across
redundant links where the network offers two, three, or four equal-cost next-
hop routes for traffic to different subnets. (All traffic for different hosts in the
same subnet goes through the same next-hop router.)

For example, in the OSPF network shown below, IP load-sharing is enabled
on router “A”. In this case, OSPF calculates three equal-cost next-hop routes
for each of the subnets and then distributes per-subnet route assignments
across these three routes.
