HP 3500YL User Manual

Page 101

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PIM-DM (Dense Mode)

Messages Related to PIM Operation



I/F removal with IP

< ip-addr > on vid

Indicates that a PIM interface (VLAN) has been removed

< vlan-id > (<counter>)

from the router as a result of an IP address change or

MCAST flow

< multicast-address > < source-

address > not rteing (rsc low)


The indicated multicast flow is not routing. The routing
switch is low on memory resources as a result of too many
flows for the number of configured VLANs. Remedies
include one or more of the following:
• Reduce the number of configured VLANs by moving

some VLANs to another router.

• Free up system resources by disabling another feature,

such as one of the spanning-tree protocols or either the
RIP or the OSPF routing protocol. (Unless you are using
static routes, you will need to retain a minimum of one
unicast routing protocol.) Another option that may help
is to reduce the number of configured QoS filters.

• Move some hosts that create multicast demand to

another router.

MCAST MAC add for

< mac-address > failed

Indicates a hardware problem. Check the cabling and router




Multicast Hardware Failed to

Indicates a hardware failure that halts hardware

Initialize (<


processing of PIM traffic. The software will continue to
process PIM traffic at a slower rate. Contact your ProCurve
customer care center.

No IP address configured on VID

PIM has detected a VLAN without an IP address. Configure

< vlan-id > (<dup-msg-cnt>)

an IP address on the indicated VLAN.

Pkt dropped from

< ip-address >,(< cause >)

A PIM packet from < ip-address > was dropped due to one


< vlan-id > (<counter>)

of the following causes:
• No PIM interface on the VLAN
• Bad packet length
• Bad IP header length
• Bad IP total length

Pkt rcvd with a cksum error from

A packet having a checksum error was received from < ip­

< ip-addr > (<counter>)

address >. Check the cabling and ports on the local and the
remote routers.

Rcvd incorrect hello from

< ip-addr >

Indicates receipt of a malformed hello packet. (That is, the



packet does not match the current specification.) Ensure
that compatible versions of PIM-DM are being used.


< text-str > pkt with bad len from

A peer router may be sending incorrectly formatted PIM

< ip-addr > (<counter>)


Rcvd hello from

< ip-address > on vid

Indicates a misconfiguration where two routers are directly

< vlan-id > (<counter>)

connected with different subnets on the same connected
