ProSoft Technology MVI56E-MCM/MCMXT User Manual

Page 76

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Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

MVI56E-MCM ♦ ControlLogix Platform

User Manual

Modbus Communication Module

Page 76 of 199

ProSoft Technology, Inc.

June 18, 2014

5.1.1 Scrolling LED Status Indicators

The scrolling LED display indicates the module’s operating status as follows:

Initialization Messages



Boot / DDOK

Module is initializing


Module is waiting for required module configuration data from
ladder logic to configure the Modbus ports

Waiting for Processor Connection

Module did not connect to processor during initialization

Sample ladder logic or AOI is not loaded on processor

Module is located in a different slot than the one
configured in the ladder logic/AOI

Processor is not in RUN or REM RUN mode

Last config:

Indicates the last date when the module changed its IP
address. You can update the module date and time through
the module’s web page, or with the MVI56E Optional Add-On

Config P1/P2

Interface> (Master)>

After power up and every reconfiguration, the module will
display the configuration of both ports. The information
consists of:

Modbus mode: RTU/ASCII

Port type: Master/Slave

Baud: 115200 / 57600 / 38400 / 19200 / 9600/ 4800 /
2400 / 1200 / 600 / 300

Parity: None / Even / Odd

Data bits: 7 / 8

Stop bits: 1 / 2

RS Interface: RS-232 / RS-422 / RS-485

ID: Slave Modbus Address

Cmds: Configured Modbus Master Commands

Operation Messages
After the initialization step, the following message pattern will be repeated.



OK: Module is communicating with processor
ERR: Module is unable to communicate with processor. For
this scenario, the message above is replaced
with "Processor faulted or is in program mode".

Module IP address

OK: Port is communicating without error
Master/Slave Communication Errors: port is having
communication errors. Refer to Diagnostics and
Troubleshooting (page 75) for further information about the