PLANET SGSD-1022 User Manual
Page 100

User’s Manual of SGSD-1022 / SGSD-1022P
SGSW-2840 / SGSW-2840P
If you specify an SNMP Version 3 host, then the “Trap Manager Community String” is interpreted as an SNMP user name. If you
use V3 authentication or encryption options (authNoPriv or authPriv), the user name must first be defined in the SNMPv3 Users
page. Otherwise, the authentication password and/or privacy password will not exist, and the switch will not authorize SNMP
access for the host. However, if you specify a V3 host with the no authentication (noAuth) option, an SNMP user account will be
automatically generated, and the switch will authorize SNMP access for the host.
Notifications are issued by the switch as trap messages by default. The recipient of a trap message does not send a response to
the switch. Traps are therefore not as reliable as inform messages, which include a request for acknowledgement of receipt.
Informs can be used to ensure that critical information is received by the host. However, note that informs consume more
system resources because they must be kept in memory until a response is received. Informs also add to network traffic. You
should consider these effects when deciding whether to issue notifications as traps or informs.
To send an inform to a SNMPv2c host, complete these steps:
Enable the SNMP agent.
Enable trap informs as described in the following pages.
Create a view with the required notification messages.
Create a group that includes the required notify view.
To send an inform to a SNMPv3 host, complete these steps:
Enable the SNMP agent.
Enable trap informs as described in the following pages.
Create a view with the required notification messages.
Create a group that includes the required notify view.
Specify a remote engine ID where the user resides.
Then configure a remote user.
Figure 4-3-3 SNMP Trap Management page screenshot