Epson PLQ-30 User Manual

Page 135

background image


The connection between the computer and the printer over which print data is transmitted to the printer.


Printing that is oriented sideways on the page. This orientation gives you a page that is wider than it is high and is useful for
printing spreadsheets.

letter quality (LQ)

The print mode used by your printer when a font other than Draft is selected. Printing with letter-quality fonts provides better
readability and appearance at a reduced print speed.

line feed (LF)

A control code and control panel button that advances the paper one line space.

loading position

The position to which the paper is automatically loaded.

magnetic stripe

A stripe of tape that is coated with magnetic material on which data is stored. PLQ-30M is equipped with a device to read and
write data on magnetic stripes.

micro adjust

A printer feature that allows you to precisely adjust the tear-off and top-of-form positions.

paper positions

There are three paper positions for continuous paper printing: standby, tear-off, and top-of-form. For single sheet printing, there
is only the top-of-form position.


The size of the font, which is measured in the number of characters per inch (cpi). The standard is 10 cpi.


Short for picture element. Each image is composed of a number of pixels. Pixels are also counted in units of dots.


Printing that is oriented upright on the page (as opposed to landscape, in which printing is sideways on the page). This is the
standard orientation for printing letters or documents.

printer driver

A software program that sends commands from the computer for using the functions of a particular printer.

printing start position

The horizontal position on the paper that the printer recognizes as the first printable column. You can adjust the printing start
position with the control panel.

proportional font

A font whose characters take up varying amounts of horizontal space depending on the width of the character. Thus the
uppercase M takes up more horizontal space than the lowercase l.

PLQ-30/PLQ-30M User’s Guide

Glossary 135