Using this guide, Using this guide -2 – Enterasys Networks MicroMMAC-T User Manual
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Using This Guide
NetSight Element Manager provides remote management for the MicroMMAC-T,
Front panel status display with administrative state, network load, and error
percentages available for each port.
Management Station Configuration.
Station List and Map Windows.
Full statistics display for the hub and individual stations (with both numerical
and graphical display options).
Alarm Limits based on frame counts, frame errors, or beacon frames.
You should read this manual thoroughly to understand NetSight Element
Manager for the MicroMMAC-T.
Using This Guide
Each chapter in this guide describes one major functionality or a collection of
several smaller functionalities of the MicroMMAC-T device module. This guide
contains information about software functions that are accessed directly from the
device icon; for information about management functions that are accessed via
the NetSight Element Manager platform, consult the NetSight Element Manager
User’s Guide
and NetSight Element Manager Tools Guide.
Chapter 1, Introduction, provides a list of related documentation, describes
certain software conventions, and shows you how to contact the Enterasys
Networks Global Call Center.
Chapter 2, The MicroMMAC-T Chassis View, describes the visual display of the
MicroMMAC-T’s front panel and explains how to use the mouse within the
Chassis View; the operation of several chassis-level management functions —
such as changing the port status display, enabling and disabling ports,
configuring the management station, and setting device date and time — is also
described here.
Chapter 3, Token Ring Statistics, describes the Statistics, Timer Statistics,
Summary Statistics, and Performance Graph selections available at the Network,
Management Station, and Port levels. Each of these selections provides a slightly
different view of the network information being collected by the MicroMMAC-T.
Chapter 4, Token Ring Alarms, provides instructions on configuring and setting
ring-level alarms for network events, ring-level station alarms that apply to all
stations on a ring, or station-level alarms for individual stations on a ring.
Chapter 5, The Station List and Station Map, describes how to use these
windows to view your ring topology, either in list or graphical (map) format, and
how to access statistics and set alarm limits for your ring stations.