2 description of the instruments – Pressure Systems 98RK-1 User Manual
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Pressure Systems, Inc. 98RK-1 & 9816 User’s Manual©
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Data uploaded from the EEPROMs is used by the microprocessor to correct zero, span,
linearity, and thermal errors. Digital temperature compensation of the piezoresistive sensors
reduces thermal errors by a factor of ten or more over conventional sensor compensation. The
microprocessor also controls the execution of on-line zero or span calibrations upon request.
On-line re-zero virtually eliminates sensor zero drift error and provides guaranteed system
accuracy of up to ±0.05% FS (Full Scale) after re-zero.
Firmware within each 9816 scanner provides the capability to sample using up to three (3) scan
lists concurrently at rates up to 100 measurements per channel per second. The NetScanner
System is supplied with software for PC compatible computers.
Description of the Instruments
Model 9816 Intelligent Pressure Scanners are available with 16 (sixteen) measurement
channels, each with individual pneumatic transducers per channel. The most distinctive
features are highlighted below:
Pre-calibrated Transducer - a memory chip containing full thermal calibration data is
embedded within each internal transducer.
Individual transducer per measurement input channel.
Mixed transducer ranges may be installed in a single module.
Low cost per point - per-channel cost is less than a typical industrial pressure
High accuracy - Model 9816 pressure scanners are capable of accuracies up to
±0.05%. Accuracy is maintained through use of built-in re-zero and span calibration
capabilities. Accuracy is maintained for six (6) months after calibration.
Low thermal errors - each transducer of a pressure scanner module contains an
individual temperature sensor and thermal calibration data for internal use by software
correction algorithms. Thermal errors are reduced to ±0.001%FS/ºC over the calibrated
Re-zero upon demand - an integrated calibration valve allows for automatic re-zero
adjustment calibration of dry gas transducers to null offset drift errors.
Ease of transducer replacement - factory calibrated transducer assemblies may be
stocked and rapidly replaced in the field. Storage of thermal coefficients within the
transducer allows for ‘plug and play’ transducer replacement.
Ease of calibration - 98RK-1 Scanner Interface Rack features pneumatic hook-ups on
the back-panel and front-panel (if ordered) to ease scanner calibration. Each 9816
Intelligent Pressure Scanner module contains a pneumatic calibration manifold and
software commands to automatically perform re-zero and span adjustment calibrations.
New offset and gain coefficients that result from the most recent calibration may be
stored in non-volatile transducer memory.