4 acquiring data – Pressure Systems 98RK-1 User Manual
Page 31

Pressure Systems, Inc. 98RK-1 & 9816 User’s Manual©
Page 29
Acquiring Data
From the Acquire menu, select “Acquire Data” to read the pressure of each channel
on the screen. The pressure is displayed both in engineering units and on the
individual bar graphs as a proportion of transducer full scale.
To log data, select “Log.” A file name will be requested with an automatic path to
the NUSS directory. Click “Cancel” to display the data on the screen. While
logging, the data is displayed on the logging screen in engineering units. To stop
logging, select “Stop.”
To stop data acquisition and freeze the display at the last reading, select “Stop
Acq.” from the “Acquire Data” menu.
Select Re-zero from the Calibration menu. This will perform a Re-zero calibration
and report the amount of offset which has automatically been corrected (relative to
the factory calibration stored within each transducer).
The temperature of each transducer can also be displayed in units of degrees
Celsius (ºC) by selecting Acq. Temp. Each transducer has an integral temperature
sensor used primarily for the digital temperature compensation which is performed
Reading the temperature is most useful when verifying that you are operating within the
calibrated temperature range. The 9816 modules will update this value once every 15 seconds.
You have accomplished all of the steps in this manual for quickly getting a single NetScanner
System module up, running, and acquiring data. To similarly test another module in the rack
(or externally attached), use the “Next Module” menu command.