Magnum Energy ME Series User Manual

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2012 Magnum Energy, Inc

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The left side of the ME Series is equipped with the following features (see Figures 1-3 and 1-4):


Exhaust Air Vents – ventilation openings that allow heated air to be removed by the

internal cooling fan.


Model/Serial Number Label includes model/serial number information, date of

manufacture, and inverter and charger specifi cations. See the ME specifi cations in

Appendix A for more information and the different models that are available.


AC Access Cover – provides access to the internal AC wiring terminal block (see Figure

2-8). This terminal block is used to hardwire all inverter AC input and output wiring

connections. Remove the two screws to access the AC wiring terminal block. The ME2000

models do not have the AC wiring terminal block.


Input Circuit Breaker (CB3) – this circuit breaker protects the unit’s internal charger

wiring and pass-thru relay while in Standby mode. This circuit breaker will pop out when

it opens. Press in to reset. This input circuit breaker is not branch-circuit rated, therefore,

branch-circuit rated breakers must be installed in the inverter’s input wiring.
Output Circuit Breakers (CB1 & CB2) – these circuit breakers are branch-rated, but

are only provided on the ME2000-15B, ME2000-20B, ME2012-15B, and ME2012-20B

models. They allow the inverter AC loads to be connected directly to the inverter’s output

without requiring an inverter sub-panel. These circuit breakers pop out when they open.

Press in to reset. They can also be manually pulled out to disconnect the inverter’s loads.

CAUTION: Inverter models without the output circuit breakers (CB1 and CB2) must

have branch-rated circuit breakers installed in the inverter’s output wiring.

CAUTION: The inverter’s internal AC transfer relay is rated for 30 amps per leg. The

pass-thru current must be no greater than 30 amps per leg or damage to the relays

may occur.


Figure 1-3, Left Side Features (ME2012, ME2512, ME3112)



Air Vents

(back side)


Number Label


AC Access


Output Circuit Breakers

(only available on -15B, -20B

output breaker models)

AC Input Circuit
