Grass Valley NewsShare v.5.5 User Manual
Page 112

Transplanting the News Database
Digital News Production
Performing Interim Testing and Updating Client
1. Follow standard procedures to put only the primary FSM back in service.
This is only temporary to allow for testing.
2. At one DNP machine, redirect it to the new database server by using one of
the following two methods, dbinstall or hand modification of the Registry,
exemplified for a DSM named X_DSM:
- From a cmd window, run dbinstall as follows:
C:\>cd "C:\Program Files\Vibrint 3.0\DB Install"
C:\Program Files\Vibrint 3.0\DB Install>dbinstall -nox
-msde -FSM1 X_DSM
Skipping MSDE installation. Ver. 8.00.760 already
DB news already exists on local MSDE server.
Updating news DB on this machine.
This may take a moment...success.
Root bins already exist in news DB.
Revising local DB based on vbrDataSource...success.
Communicated successfully with DB news on server X_DSM.
Database installation complete.
C:\Program Files\Vibrint 3.0\DB Install>
- Modify the Registry as indicated by this script:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
3. Start NewsEdit on the machine modified. The application's main title bar
should indicate connection to the new DSM (X_DSM in our example) and
its bin view should be fully populated by the same objects as before the
transplant. Confirm that you can open and play an existing master clip.
4. If you encounter problems in Step 3, resolve them. Otherwise continue to
Step 5.