Vpls implementation – H3C Technologies H3C S12500-X Series Switches User Manual

Page 362

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# Configure RIPng, and advertise subnets 2012::/64 and 2002:1::/64.


[VR2] ripng 20

[VR2-ripng-20] quit

[VR2] interface vlan-interface 20

[VR2-Vlan-interface20] ripng 20 enable

[VR2-Vlan-interface20] quit

[VR2] interface vlan-interface 21

[VR2-Vlan-interface21] ripng 20 enable

[VR2-Vlan-interface21] quit

# On the MCE, display the routing table of VPN instance vpn1.

[MCE] display ipv6 routing-table vpn-instance vpn1

Destinations : 6 Routes : 6

Destination: ::1/128 Protocol : Direct

NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0

Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0

Destination: 2001:1::/64 Protocol : Direct

NextHop : :: Preference: 0

Interface : Vlan10 Cost : 0

Destination: 2001:1::1/128 Protocol : Direct

NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0

Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0

Destination: 2012:1::/64 Protocol : Static

NextHop : 2001:1::2 Preference: 60

Interface : Vlan10 Cost : 0

Destination: FE80::/10 Protocol : Direct

NextHop : :: Preference: 0

Interface : NULL0 Cost : 0

Destination: FF00::/8 Protocol : Direct

NextHop : :: Preference: 0

Interface : NULL0 Cost : 0

# On the MCE, display the routing table of VPN instance vpn2.

[MCE] display ipv6 routing-table vpn-instance vpn2

Destinations : 6 Routes : 6

Destination: ::1/128 Protocol : Direct

NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0

Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0

Destination: 2002:1::/64 Protocol : Direct