Verilink WANsuite 5230 (34-00304.F) Product Manual User Manual
Page 39

W e b S e r v e r I n t e r f a c e
In addition to the error parameters found in the Error Status and Thresholds
Table on the Network screens, the following error parameters are included on
the Network Performance/Summary table:
Sets the Bursty Error Seconds (BES) threshold. A BES is a 1-second period
during which at least more than one but fewer than 320 CRC6 errors
The Loss of Frame Count (LOFC) represents the number of time a loss of
frame is declared. A loss of frame is declared after 2.5 seconds of continuous
loss of signal or OOF.
Sets the Cyclic Redundancy Check Errored Seconds (CRCES) threshold. A
CRC is a method of confirming the integrity of received data.
Beneath the Performance/Summary table are two buttons: “Performance 24
Hour” and “Performance 30 Day.” Clicking either of these buttons will
display a detailed summary of the error events that have occurred during each
15-minute interval of the past 24 hours (Figure 3.6) or during each interval
(day) of the past 30 days (Figure 3.7).
Figure 3.6
Performance 24 Hour Screen