Scotsman Prodigy Series User Manual
Page 44

January 2015 Page 44
Likely Cause
Probable Solution
Shut down on
maximum harvest time
Ice bridge thickness too small, not enough ice
to open curtain
Check and adjust if needed
Ice bridge thickness too large, ice frozen to
evaporator frame
Check and adjust if needed
Purge valve does not open, water melts ice
bridge, not enough ice to open curtain
Check purge valve
Incomplete ice formation
Check water distributor for partially
plugged holes
Curtain out of position
Check curtain for swing restriction
Curtain switch does not open when curtain
Check switch with ohmmeter
Machine in very cold ambient
Move machine to a warmer location
Hot gas valve does not open
Check hot gas valve, check controller
using test mode
Harvest assist probe out of position – ejector
pin not retracted
Check harvest assist mechanism – spring
should retract pin
Damaged evaporator
Check evaporator surface
Fan motor stays on during harvest
Check controller using test mode
Shut down on
minimum freeze time
Grounded ice thickness sensor
Check sensor for dirt and position. Clean
and check gap to evaporator surface
Restricted water distributor
Clean water distributor
Dirty spillway surface
Scrub spillway
Bridge thickness too thin
Adjust to correct thickness
Diagnostics - Air Cooled