Programming, Sa controller confi guration screens, Sa controller operator interface – Orion System SA Controller User Manual

Page 23

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SA Controller Operator Interface



SA Controller Confi guration Screens

Confi guration Screen #34 - Broadcast VAV

Boxes Force to Fixed

SA Unit Cnfg ID 102
Broadcast VAV Boxes

Force To Fixed: NO

[0=NO 1=YES]



for YES to have all VAV/Zone controllers connected to this

SA Controller forced to their “Fixed Airfl ow” Position during the Morn-
ing Warm-up Mode of operation. Enter


for YES if you do not want

this to occur. See the VAV/Zone controller Setpoint Screens for setting
of the “Fixed Airfl ow” position. Default is NO.

Confi guration Screen #35 - 1 HVAC Unit with

Boxes on Multiple Loops

SA Unit Cnfg ID 102

1 HVAC Unit w/ Boxes

On Multi. Loops: NO

[0=NO 1=YES]



for YES to have all broadcasts that have been confi gured on

Confi guration Screens 29 through 34 sent to all local loops on the entire
system, not just the local loop the SA Controller is on. This is normally
only required if you have a large HVAC unit that requires more than
the 58 VAV/Zone Controllers normally allowed on the local loop. This
allows other VAV/Zone Controllers connected on additional local loops
to receive the required broadcasts. This only is allowed when you have
a single SA Controller with VAV/Zone Controllers on multiple loops.
Other SA Controllers or add-on devices may be connected but no other
SA Controllers with VAV/Zone Controllers can be connected on the
system. Enter


for NO. Default is NO.

Confi guration Screen #36 - Uses R410A


SA Unit Cnfg ID 102

Unit Uses R410A

Refrigerant: YES

[0=NO 1=YES]



for YES if your HVAC unit uses R410A Refrigerant. Enter


for NO. Default is YES.

Confi guration Screens #37-40 - Cooling &

Heating Stage Delays

SA Unit Cnfg ID 102

Cooling Stage Delays
Staging Up...: 3 Min
Staging Down : 1 Min

SA Unit Cnfg ID 102

Cooling Stage Delays

Min Run Time: 5 Min
Min Off Time: 3 Min

SA Unit Cnfg ID 102

Heating Stage Delays
Staging Up...: 3 Min
Staging Down : 1 Min

SA Unit Cnfg ID 102

Heating Stage Delays

Min Run Time: 2 Min
Min Off Time: 1 Min

Both the Heating Stages and the DX Cooling Stages utilize Staging Up
and Down Delay Periods between stages and Minimum Run Times
and Off Times.

Both modes have their own set of Staging and Run Delay Times. The
Heating Timer Screens look exactly the same as the Cooling Timer
Screens except they reference the Heating settings instead of the Cool-
ing settings.

See the Sequence of Operation Manual for information on how these
Delays and Run Times are used.





Cooling Stage Up

3 Min

3 Min

15 Min

Cooling Stage Down

1 Min

1 Min

15 Min

Cooling Min Run Time

5 Min

5 Min

15 Min

Cooling Min Off Time

3 Min

3 Min

15 Min

Heating Stage Up

3 Min

3 Min

15 Min

Heating Stage Down

1 Min

1 Min

15 Min

Heating Min Run Time

2 Min

2 Min

15 Min

Heating Min Off Time

1 Min

1 Min

15 Min