Grandstream GXP2200 User Manual User Manual
Page 141

Firmware Version GXP2200 USER MANUAL Page 140 of 159
cn sn description
LDAP Number Attributes
Specifies the "number" attributes of each record which are returned in
the LDAP search result. This field allows the users to configure multiple
space separated number attributes.
telephoneNumber Mobile
LDAP Mail Attributes
Specifies the "mail" attributes of the each record which are returned in
the LDAP search result.
LDAP Name Filter
Configures the filter used for name lookups.
(|(cn=%)(sn=%)) returns all records which has the "cn" or "sn" field
starting with the entered prefix;
(!(sn=%)) returns all the records which do not have the "sn" field starting
with the entered prefix;
(&(cn=%) (telephoneNumber=*)) returns all the records with the "cn"
field starting with the entered prefix and "telephoneNumber" field set.
LDAP Number Filter
Configures the filter used for number lookups.
(|(telephoneNumber=%)(Mobile=%) returns all records which has the
"telephoneNumber" or "Mobile" field starting with the entered prefix;
(&(telephoneNumber=%) (cn=*)) returns all the records with the
"telephoneNumber" field starting with the entered prefix and "cn" field
LDAP Mail Filter
Configures the filter used for mail lookups.
LDAP Displaying Name
Configures the entry information to be shown on phone's LCD. Up to 3
fields can be displayed.
%cn %sn %telephoneNumber
Max Hits
Specifies the maximum number of results to be returned by the LDAP
server. If set to 0, server will return all search results. The default setting
is 50.