English-to-metric conversion chart – Gasboy Atlas Fuel Systems Site Prep Manual User Manual

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MDE-4333E Atlas Fuel Systems Site Preparation Manual · November 2011

English-to-Metric Conversion Chart

The following table lists English units used in this document and their metric equivalents.
Note: In some cases, a temperature is given in degree Celsius (°C). If the temperature in

degree Fahrenheit (°F) is required, search down the Metric Equivalent column to locate
the required degree Celsius and then read the degree Fahrenheit from the left column

English Unit

Metric Equivalent

0.75 inches

1.905 centimeters

1 inch

2.54 centimeters

1-1/2 inches

3.81 centimeters

2 feet

60.96 centimeters

2 inches

5.08 centimeters

2-1/2 inches

6.35 centimeters

3 inches

7.62 centimeters

3-1/2 inches

8.89 centimeters

4 inches

10.16 centimeters

8 feet

2.4384 meters

10 feet

3.048 meters

18 inches

45.72 centimeters

32 °F

0 °C

50 feet

15.24 meters

60 inches

1.524 meters

75 feet

22.86 meters

100 feet

30.48 meters

176 °F

80 °C

200 feet

60.96 meters

1000 feet

304.8 meters

1500 feet

457.2 meters

2600 feet

792.48 meters