Running auctions, View your running auctions on ebay, Editing running auctions – equinux iSale 5.9.7 User Manual

Page 57: Group: “running auctions, Get the current status

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Running Auctions

Now that your auction is up and running, you will
want to track its status. This chapter tells you how
to keep an overview of your sales.

View Your Running Auctions on eBay

iSale gives you the option of viewing your running auctions di-
rectly on eBay so that you can monitor their progress.

To view your running auctions on eBay, please complete the
‣ Select your running auction
‣ Switch to the eBay view by clicking the “eBay“ tab

iSale will display a rendering of your actual auction.


iSale will only track auctions created and submitted via


Editing Running Auctions

Editing running auctions is not yet supported by iSale. However,
due to the great demand for this feature it might be implemented
in one of the next releases.

Group: “Running Auctions”

iSale files all your running auctions automatically into the group
“Running Auctions”. This allows you the perfect overview to see
which auctions are active on eBay.

Subgroup: “Ending Soon”

In this group, iSale files all your auctions which will be ending
within the next 48 hours. This group is actually a Smart Group,
and you can edit its criteria by double-clicking the group name.
Please see “Overview” for more information on Smart Groups.

Get the Current Status

iSale will automatically update the auction status every 5 minutes
by default. iSale displays the following information about running

The current price

The bid count (how many people have bid on your item)

The highest bidder

The hit count (how many people have visited your auction since
it was published on eBay)

The watch count (how many people are watching your auction
permanently through eBay’s “Watch this auction“ feature)

The current price is also displayed as a little price tag in the auc-
tion’s title bar and on the pinboard.