equinux iSale 5.9.7 User Manual

Page 24

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Item Specifics

eBay offers a way to assign item-specific attributes to your auction
listing. These attributes vary from category to category and are
assigned based on a preconceived list developed by eBay.

Specifying Item Specifics will improve your chance of making the
sale by giving your potential buyers an easier way to find your

Complete the following to set your Item Specifics:
‣ Check the box next to “Use Item Specifics” (if unchecked)
‣ Click the grey arrow next to “Item Specifics”
‣ Provide all the known information about your item. All starred (*)

Item Specifics are required and must be specified

Item Condition

Depending on your category, you may also need to specify the
condition of your item in a separate field.

Choose your category and then select the condition from your
item. This helps your buyers know what to expect before placing
their bids.

To set the item condition:
‣ Choose a category
‣ Select the condition of your item from the Item Condition list

Note that the item condition options depend on the category, so
you may not have all of the options shown above.