Daktronics Venus DataStreamer User Manual
Page 48

Creating Messages for a DAKTicker
2. Click the Data tab as shown in Figure 71.
Note: For this version of Venus
DataStreamer software, the Driver field
cannot be changed.
3. Click the + button and insert the
parameters for showing league data.
This field may change in appearance
depending on the type of query selected
in the previous screen.
4. Enter the necessary information for each
of the fields created. Depending on the
query selected, this may require either
entering information or selecting from a drop-down list of choices.
5. In the Start column, determine the starting point for league data to be displayed. The
Count column determines the amount of data to be displayed at a time.
6. Click the Appearance tab to set the
layout of the information as shown in
Figure 72. See preset examples
available for news frames in Figure 73.
7. Click the down arrow next to the
Layout field to select a layout. When
using a custom preset, it will be
necessary to click the plus sign + next
to the layout field to add rows to be
formatted. To
remove a row,
click the “X”.
8. Click the
arrow next to
Background to
set the
Note: This
feature is
available only
for RGB
Figure 71: Sports Data Tab
Figure 72: Sports Appearance Tab
Figure 73: Sports Preset Layouts