Daktronics Venus DataStreamer User Manual

Page 24

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2. Click the Driver Configuration tab.

3. If registered for this driver source, the

box next to it is checked and the

configuration can proceed. If not

currently licensed to receive data, please

contact a Daktronics Sales representative

for more information.

4. If registered, highlight the TSN Sport

Driver and click Configure Data Source.

The TSN Sport (XML Feed) Properties

window will appear as shown in Figure


5. Enter the Username and Password and click Apply.

6. Set the Refresh Schedule by clicking on the scroll buttons to the desired time of day.

Refresh Schedule is used to determine when the data received the previous day will be

removed from the display.

Source Tab

1. Click the Source tab and review the Address and Port Number information. If a

correction needs to be made, click the Edit boxes next to the Address and Port Number

field as shown in Figure 25. The fields will become active. Enter the correct IP

Address and Port number. Daktronics

provides this information.

2. Click Apply.

Internet tunneling is a process used to access data

from outside sources by “tunneling through” the

typical network firewalls and other protective devices

installed on private networks. Please contact your

network support staff for assistance with this.

Note: If ‘Use Internet Tunneling’ is checked, the

current internet browser settings will be used for connection to the TSN server.

If a proxy server is used for connections to the internet, it must support and allow for

internet tunneling connections.

If internet tunneling connections are not supported, it may be necessary to bypass the

proxy server to allow connection to the TSN Server on port 4500.

Figure 24: Configuring the TNS Sports Driver

Figure 25: Source Tab for TNS