Daktronics Venus DataStreamer User Manual

Page 19

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5. Select the type of communication that will

be used, either "Direct Communication" or

"Remote Communication". Direct consists

of a direct serial connection from the PC.

Remote uses a TCP/IP connection to the

display as shown in Figure 13.

6. Once the communication type is selected,

fill in any other necessary information,

(i.e. Com Port or IP Address). Click Next

to accept the entered information and

move on to the next step or click Cancel to

void the Configuration process entirely. Note: For this example, Direct

Communication is chosen.

7. To set Display Dimensions, click the down

arrow next to each field or click in the

field to set the overall height and width of

the Panelized DataTrac as shown in

Figure 14. The Upper Left Coordinate

values are typically set to 1 for X and 1 for


8. Click the down arrow next to Color Depth

to set the type of color technology for this

display. Default setting is Tricolor.

9. Once these parameters are set, click Next to move to the next screen. Click Cancel to

close the Configure window.

10. Move the slider bar to set the Display

Brightness level of the information on the

Panelized DataTrac. Daktronics

recommends a brightness of 48.

However, this may need to be adjusted

depending on different lighting

conditions. Click Next.

Note: Clicking and holding the mouse

button down on the slider bar will cause

a pop-up window to appear showing

the brightness level that the current

display is running. This number will

change as the slider is moved.

11. Enter a name for the display as shown in Figure 15. Click Next.

Figure 13: Configuring Communication

Figure 14: Configure Display Settings

Figure 15: Naming a Display