Comtest Networks MTAS-192 METALLIC TEST ACCESS SYSTEM User Manual
Page 42

Comtest Networks
Installation Guide
June 2006
Communicating with the MTAS
All user access is via the Master MTAS shelf. Communications with the MTAS master
shelf is provided via the Ethernet port or AUX 1 (serial) port on the MTAS-CM Card.
NOTE: You must configure the IP settings for the master shelf prior to connecting it to
your Local Area Network (LAN). Failure to do so may result in degraded LAN
performance or an outage.
5.4.1 Via the Ethernet Port
Connect to the Ethernet jack on the MTAS-CM control card using a straight-through
10/100BaseT Ethernet cable or connect your PC directly to the MTAS Ethernet port
using a cross-over cable, as described in Appendix A.
To log in, follow the steps below.
Step 1. From the PC, launch the command prompt screen by doing the following: (1)
Click on the START button (lower, left side of screen), (2) Select “RUN…” from
the menu, (3) Type cmd in the “Open” field of the RUN dialogue box, and (4)
click the OK button.
Step 2. At the command line, type telnet xx.xx.xx.xx 9090 where xx.xx.xx.xx is the
static IP address and 9090 is the telnet port.
The TL1>> prompt will then be displayed on the screen.
5.4.2 Via the Serial Port
Step 1. Configure your PC's VT emulation software (e.g., Hyperterminal, ProCOMM
Plus, etc.) or VT terminal Setup Directory to allow access to the MTAS shelf.
Settings are: 9600 baud, with 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, no parity and no flow
Step 2. Using a serial cable constructed per the pin out diagram in Appendix A,
connect one (male) end to the AUX 1 jack on the MTAS-CM control card.
Step 3. Connect the other (male) end to the serial port on your PC, using an RJ-45 to
DB-9 adapter. See Table 21: Pin Layout for Serial RJ-45
DB-9 Adapter in
Appendix A, section 0: “Serial Cabling” for proper pinout information.
Step 4. Press ENTER in the terminal software. The operator should then see the
TL1>> prompt on the screen.