Appendix b. fec (forward error correction), B.1 introduction, B.2 versafec (short-block ldpc) – Comtech EF Data CDD-880 User Manual
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Appendix B. FEC (FORWARD
The FEC (Forward Error Correction) method used by the CDD‐880 Multi Receiver Router is a
completely new family of short‐block Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes with very low
latency called VersaFEC
. VersaFEC is ideal for lower data rates that demand the shortest
possible latency. It is a patent pending technology wholly owned and developed by Comtech EF
Data and CEFD sister division Comtech AHA Corp. (the VersaFEC
name is a trademark registered
to Comtech AHA).
(Short-block LDPC)
While LDPC coding represents a significant development in the area of FEC and the performance
of LDPC is exceptional in terms of coding gain, its higher latency is considered disadvantageous
in some applications. Because of this, Comtech EF Data invested considerable research into
ways to reduce the block size of LDPC (and hence its latency), while preserving the coding gain
performance very close to the Shannon bound. The VersaFEC code set was subsequently
developed with two distinct purposes:
1) To provide an expanded choice of combinations of modulation and coding that significantly
reduces latency without compromising coding gain performance.
2) To provide combinations of modulation and coding (ModCods) that are suitable not only for
Constant Coding and Modulation (CCM) applications, but are also the basis for Comtech EF
Data’s patent pending Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) system.
There are 12 ModCods in the VersaFEC set (Table B‐1). The modulation types (BPSK, QPSK,
8‐QAM and 16‐QAM) and the code rates have been chosen to give a continuous progression of
performance in terms of both Eb/No and spectral efficiency – an essential aspect of a well‐
engineered ACM system.