AMETEK 2003RP User Manual
Page 80

8.8 PGUI32 Distribution Files
The installation program will install the following files in the directories specified. Note that
files with the same name that already exists in these directories will not be overwritten as part
of the installation process. If older files of the same name are found, they will be replaced. If
you need to retain a copy of these older version files, we recommend you back these files up
prior to running the installation program.
Application directory files
The following files are copied to the application directory. The application directory name is
chosen by the user during the installation process. The default directory for the PGUI32 is:
C:\Program Files\California Instruments\PGUI32
On Line Help file
Help Contents file
Windows System directory files
The following shared files are stored in the Windows\System directory during installation:
Microsoft Serial communications active control
Grid spreadsheet active control
Microsoft Common dialog active control
Microsoft Common controls
Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 virtual machine library
Microsoft Foundation Classes
Microsoft Visual C++ run-time library
Microsoft OLE automation server
IEC Test Programs Directory Files
File name
Generic IEC 1000-4-11 Voltage Variations Test.411_Vars
Test levels for IEC 1000-4-11
Generic IEC 1000-4-11 Voltage Dips Test.411_Dips
Test levels for IEC 1000-4-11
EN 61326-1 Voltage Interrupts.411_Dips
Test levels for IEC 1000-4-11
Generic IEC 1000-4-14 Test Level 1.414_Fluc
Test levels for IEC 1000-4-14
Generic IEC 1000-4-14 Test Level 2.414_Fluc
Test levels for IEC 1000-4-14
Generic IEC 1000-4-28 Freq Vars Test Level 1.428_Vars
Test levels for IEC 1000-4-28
Generic IEC 1000-4-28 Freq Vars Test Level 2.428_Vars
Test levels for IEC 1000-4-28
Generic IEC 1000-4-28 Freq Vars Test Level 3.428_Vars
Test levels for IEC 1000-4-28
User files for above tests may be distributed as well. These files use a 4XX_USER