AMETEK 2003RP User Manual

Page 51

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6.2 Selecting Calibration Mode

The 2003RP can be placed in calibration mode (CAL mode) by pressing the recessed CAL
button located on the front panel using a pen or similar pointed object. Briefly pressing this
button will place the 2003RP in CAL mode, indicated by the illumination of the PF LED.
While in CAL mode, the front panel controls are used to adjust the various calibration
parameters. Both controls and status indicators take on different functions while the unit is in
CAL mode. The SELECT button is used to select the various measurement parameters that
can be calibrated in this mode.

Calibration of both output and measurements must be performed for each individual phase,
one phase at a time. The PHASE button is used to select the phase to be calibrated.

The following status indications are in effect while in CAL mode:

Status LED

CAL mode * (PF LED illuminated)

Normal operating mode *


Indicates voltage measurement
calibration is selected.
If this LED is not lit while in CAL
mode, the Output Voltage
calibration mode is selected.

Indicates frequency setting or
measurement is displayed on right
7 segment LED.


Indicates current measurement
calibration is selected.

Indicates current limit setting or
current measurement is displayed
on right 7 segment LED.


Indicates peak current
measurement calibration is

Indicates peak current
measurement is displayed on right
7 segment LED.


Indicates power measurement
calibration is selected.

Indicates power measurement is
displayed on right 7 segment LED.


Indicates 2003RP unit is in
calibration mode.

Indicates power factor
measurement is displayed on right
7 segment LED.

A, B, C

Indicates the selected phase to be

Indicates the selected phase for
measurement readout on LED's.

Table 6-2: CAL Mode Status LED Indicators

* Some measurement functions are optional and may not be available. The calibration mode
will only select measurement calibration for measurement functions that are installed.

Note that in normal mode of operation, at no time are more than one of the measurement
mode selection LED‟s lit at the same time. In CAL mode however, the PF LED is always on,
in addition to one of the other four measurement selection LED‟s or no other LED for output
voltage calibration.