AMETEK 2003RP User Manual
Page 41

4.3 Setting the Power on Initialization Values
The 2003RP is supplied with default factory settings when the unit is powered up. The factory
settings are:
Factory default setting
Voltage range
Auto Voltage Range
5.0 Volt
60 Hz ( 400 Hz on 2003RP-AV models)
Current limit
5.0 amps (5.9 amps on 2003RP-AV models, 4.3 amps
on 2003RP-HV models).
Display mode
Frequency (not part of setup)
Selected Phase
Phase A (not part of setup)
Output Relay state
Output start state
Output start phase
0 degrees
Local / Remote State
Local. Front panel unlocked.
Table 4-1: Factory Default Power on Settings
It is possible to change the power-on initialization values in one of two ways:
1. Using the optional RS232 or IEEE-488 interface and the supplied PGUI32 program.
2. Using the front panel.
To change the power on initialization values from the front panel, proceed as follows:
1. Set the unit up in the desired way (range, voltage, frequency, current limit, output relay
state, display mode).
2. Press and hold the SELECT key (normally toggles LED display mode). Make sure the
correct indicator LED is illuminated, e.g., FREQ to display voltage and frequency.
3. While still holding the SELECT key, press the OUTPUT key. This will save the present
front panel settings in non volatile memory register (NVM) number 7 and assign this
register as the power-on register.
4. Release both keys.
5. This procedure can be repeated as often as needed by the user.
Front panel setups saved in non-volatile memory do not include the
Display mode or Phase selection.