Schxxxx.dvc files, Schxxxx, Files – Adtec digital Soloist-HD Pro (version 02.07.09) Manual User Manual
Page 64

SCHxxxx.DVC Files
Schedule DVC files are text files that contain times and dates to run a specific command. These are most
commonly used for timed video playback.
The format of strings within the SCH file are:
dd = day of the week, MO (Monday), TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU.
MM = 2 digit Month from 01 to 12.
DD = 2 digit day from 01 to 31.
YY = 2 digit year from 00 to 99.
HH = 2 digit hour 00 to 23 (24 Hour military time)
MM = 2 digit minute from 00 to 59
SS = 2 digit second from 00 to 59
Schedules also have the capability of using WILDCARDS (--) meaning that all fields do not need to be
filled in. For example:
If the user intends to run a file at 8:00AM every Monday, their schedule line would show the following:
MO --/--/-- 08:00:00 *.dcmd ps myfile.mpg
If the file needed to be played every day it would show
-- --/--/-- 08:00:00 *.dcmd ps myfile.mpg
Or if it needed to play only on the first of the month it would show
-- --/01/-- 08:00:00 *.dcmd ps myfile.mpg
A sample schedule that runs a list each day at 8:00AM and stops at 7:45PM (19:45) may
look like this.
Quick Notes: The difference between RUN and LST LOAD when using lists. LST LOAD does not work with
DVC files. RUN does not work with LST .smil files.