BINDER KMF 115 User Manual
Page 86

KMF (E5.3) 07/2014
page 86/98
Fault description
Possible cause
Required measures
Controller (continued)
Program duration longer than
Tolerances have been pro-
For rapid transition phases, do
NOT program tolerance limits in
order to permit maximum heating,
refrigerating, or humidification
Program stops one section too
Program line is incomplete.
When programming, define the
end value of the desired cycle by
adding an additional section with
a section time of at least one
Ramp temperature transitions are
only realized as steps.
When using the Program Editor
of the software APT-COM™ 3
DataControlSystem, the setting
“step” has been selected.
Select setting “ramp” in the Pro-
gram Editor of the software APT-
COM™ 3 DataControlSystem and
transfer a program to the cham-
ber controller.
Humidity alarm message when
operating without humidity (hu-
midity switch (4) OFF)
Humidity set-point set to a value
> 0% r.F.
Manual Mode: Enter a humidity
set-point 0% r.H.
Program Mode: Enter a humidity
subprogram with humidity set-
point 0% r.H.
“RESET” button does not cancel
the notifying or alarm indication.
Cause of disturbance not re-
moved correctly
The “RESET” button permits re-
setting notifying or alarm mes-
sages for temperature and hu-
midity only with in a tolerance
sector of +/- 2 °C resp. +/- 5 %
Remove cause of disturbance. If
the “RESET” button still does not
cancel the indication, contact
BINDER service.
Display flashing:
1999 or -1999 or 9999.
Sensor rupture between sensor
and controller or Pt 100 sensor
Contact BINDER service.
Initialization problem due to turn-
ing on the chamber too early.
Observe a delay time of about
30s between turning the chamber
Off and On again.
Impaired valve function of hose
burst protection.
Remove calcifications by citric
acid or acetic acid solutions
(chap. 4.3.4).
Have a plumber inspect the valve.
Only qualified service personnel authorized by BINDER must perform repair.
Repaired units must comply with the BINDER quality standards.