Pilz PSSnet SHL 8T MRP User Manual
Page 4

PSSnet SHL - Basic Configuration
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix- Wankel Str. 2, 73760 Ostfildern
3.2.1 Saving locally (and on the SCA)
3.2.3 Saving as a script on the PC
Loading the software from the SCA
4.1.1 Selecting the software to be loaded
Loading the software from the tftp server
Loading the software via file selection
Protection from unauthorized access
6.1.1 Description of password for SNMP access
6.1.2 Entering the password for SNMP access
6.2.1 Description of Telnet access
6.2.2 Description of Web access
6.2.3 Enabling/disabling Telnet/Web access
Enabling/disabling the HiDiscovery function
6.3.1 Description of the HiDiscovery protocol
6.3.2 Enabling/disabling the HiDiscovery function
6.4.1 Description of the port access control
6.4.2 Application example for port access control
Synchronizing the system time in the network
7.2.1 Description of SNTP